Saturday 11 June 2011

Check out these Guns!

Ok, only one gun to mention but one very lovely one.

It's Harriet Gun-ner of course!! I sent my delightfully styled blog pal a lil pressie in the post and she featured it on her BLOG and chictopia profile. I'm so pleased she liked it and honoured that she posted it. So much in fact i've made two more just like it and you can buy it from my Etsy Store.

Here are the pics below Harriet posted.

I'll be making a few more things, branching out into more accessories and other nic nacks. I fancy making some light pendents and actually maybe something cuddly. If anyone ever wants to suggest anything then please let me know.

Thanks to Hazza, I'm looking forward to meeting up so we can discuss more fashion and bands whilst having a few cheeky drinks.


  1. Thanks for sending this to me Tom, I love it so much! I can't wait to wear it again, especially with a "typically nautical" look! I am looking forward to seeing some more DIY's from you. And we should totally meet up the next time you go to Bournemouth! xx

  2. It's absolutely lovely! And please make some more stuff and some DIY-posts, that would be very interesting! :)
    Starting to follow! :)
