Thursday 26 May 2011

Currently-style nymphs

At the moment I'm awash with nuances of fashion and interior expression.

With regards to style junkies and people with a bite i am a big fan of cityofbugs star Harriet and the highland wonder that is Morven.

I first took an interest in these girls whilst working for Dahlia fashion. And with some wonderful sweet talk and very little persuasion they soon become two thirds of the new Dahlia girlfriend blog team. They both have such individual styles but equally demanding looks in their own rights.

Harriet, a chictopia devotee, has such a true to form style that lifts a lot of its inspiration from the music that she listens to. Bands like the smiths and solo artists like debbie harry have intrigued the era of fashion that Harriet feels most comfortable in yet never to be labelled a copy queen there is aways an interpretation or a sense of evolution thats follows her style choices.
Delightful there's no doubt, with a sense of home grown charm also. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Harriet. Currently studying fashion and with dreams of becoming a stylist you can bet her influence will touch many more than the thousands it already has.

Morven, equally as stunning, is a fashion of two faces for me. You can't deny there is a very strong hard edge style that she demands yet her look seems so effortless and almost ethereal. If you dared imagine the fashion goddess of war, Morven would be it. Saying that thought i have not spoken to a more charming and wonderful girl. Like me she shares a love of cat (this i will blog later about) and her friendly nature just warms your heart.

Being law graduate by day i can exude nothing but glorious envy for this naturally stylish soul. Make sure you get a chance to look at there blogs (linked) and check out the girlfriends blogs your can read on the Dahlia website also.

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