Sunday 29 May 2011

Fancy some mood lighting?

Now, I'm all for a bit of mood lighting, but i came across these de-lights and didn't know what to make of them.

Actually i did...and I'm simply dying to have one.

The design was created by Ji-young Kim. I think it has a quirky poke at death. I Mean dont get me wrong there is nothing funny about suicide itself, but i like how the boundaries of lighting have pushed. 
There is something slightly terrifying yet adorable. Perhaps a small rag doll has had enough of playing house..."goodbye cruel world!!" Oh your a lamp.

In any argument it's a matter of personnel taste. And whether your think its vile or something quite beautiful, it's certainly a conversation starter.

Then again, your might go for something a little more arterial... 

It might be pumping in your veins but it also seems wto be pumping out of your lighting fitting. I find this red liquid pour lamp quite seductive. You can imagine what you like of the dripping red, i prefer to believe its the cause of a turmoiled love that perhaps left one of the parties heart beating a little more...frequaent shall we say. It was geniusly designed by Kouichi Okamoto. and bravo to you! 

Another design thats i am just dying to hang...poor taste? Is featured below. The hole structure is made of fluro tubing as if to suggest the idea of an illuminating rope.
Designer uncredited...well would you want your name put against that...YES I WOULD!! It;s purely disturbing in the most fantastic way. (if anyone knoes who designed this please let me know.

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